
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

Farmer Education and Trainings

Basing on our skills and competencies to convert research and innovation into scalable and profitable agribusinesses, we build the capacity of the last mile farmers and farmer organizations through our agricultural trainings. At the core of this program is strengthening bridges for sustainable, inclusive and healthy food systems and nutritious diets for all people in rural and urban areas.

Youth Engagement in Agriculture

Our premise is that young people are influential leaders of change and the future of inclusive and sustainable food systems.

Under this program, we invest in young people who take keen interest in bringing innovations into any part of the value chain. Our intentional effort towards successful establishment of youth-led agri-businesses is breeding a generation of passionate and innovative experts in modern farming technologies. 

Agribusiness Consultancy Services

We facilitate support focusing on improving the capabilities of individual value chain actors and local agribusinesses to enable them create income and employment opportunities in their local opportunities.

Internship Program

Our internship program offers talented and motivated young women and men in tertiary institutions with an opportunity to supplement their academic knowledge with practical field experience as well as share their experiences and innovative ideas to support SAFI’s mission.